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Type Digital Printing
Year 2008
Totalisator 26
Ref FGT 25-236
Description  Web width 410mm Impression: 26mio 5 – color + Equipment: speed 68 4-color New RIP in 2019Paper format 13 x 19 in maximum Image format 12.12 x 17.7 in Paper weight* Coated: 55 lb text - 130 lb; Uncoated: 40 lb text - 120 lb;  Thickness: 3-16 pt Paper input system • Two drawers with 7 in depth each each (1800 sheets of 3-16 pt) • A total of 3600 sheets of 80 lb. text. • All paper drawers support the full range of substrates  Paper output system • Autoduplex/autoperfecting standard • Main stacking tray with 23.6 in stack height with job offset stacking (6000 sheets of 80 lb text) 

If you have questions, want more information, then you can contact Lana Müller


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 Lana Mueller 2022
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